Redesigning Cooking Company

Mood Board

Projects are often hard to visualize, and when designers are working on multiple projects at once, a mood board can be essential to nailing the feeling that the site wants to target.

For this project, I wanted Cooking Company to be synonymous with fresh, clean, and healthy, so I looked for inspiration that gave that same feeling.

Color Palette

Colors really help pull together a site, and creating a palette that not only represents the brand, but also the site as a whole, are a great way to add consistency throughout.

I found through my mood board studies, that there is a high emphasis on green and earthy colors, so I wanted to get a variety of greens that I can use throughout my wireframe and more, allowing for brand cohesiveness on various platforms.

Site Map

Site maps are one of the most important parts when creating or redesigning a website, as it allows the designer to better understand the pages that are necessary to the site.

For the Cooking Company, it was essential that the core parts of the business were put first, emphasizing the Menu and Ordering Online first so that first time customers can easily find today’s offerings, along with a link to learn more about catering and the Cooking Company’s locations as well. Lastly, any small business needs an about so that people who want to learn more can find out easily.


Once a site map is established, a wireframe of the site can be made, demonstrating what the site will look like in its most barebones state. Wireframes greatly help show what the overall site will look like, without needing to do a full build with images and copy.

For this project, I wanted to be able to show the style while also emphasizing the site map and color palette that was created for the page.

Overall, I am super happy how this project came out, I believe that the mood board, color palette, and site map all came together really well into creating a visually pleasing wireframe that can go forward into a full on site.


Information Visualization


Working with CMS