Dear Data #1

For this first dear data assignment, I wanted to focus first on my work, and understand how I operate throughout the day.

After completing my research, I was surprised to find just how much I don’t do work throughout the day, almost always having some kind of other activity going on or just not being at my desk at all.

For me, it connects back to David McCandless TED talk, where he is able to show the power of visualization, just by putting publicly available data into an easy to understand method.

One of my favorites from his video is when he shows the Peak Break-up times according to Facebook, showing how a lot of people just end up splitting around that “spring cleaning” kind of time, and right around the holidays.

By using data visualization like this, we are able to have a better understanding of the data we have, and what conclusions we can draw towards.


Datawrapper Maps


Using HTML Semantics